In the framework of the “Middle-East and the EU” lecture cycle
The International Institute for Middle-East and Balkan Studies (IFIMES[1])
Kindly invites you to take part at the lecture entitled
by Wadie Abunassar, M.A.
Director of International Centre for Consultations
(ICC) from Haifa, Israel
Wadie Abunassar is a director and founder of International Centre for Consultations (ICC) from Haifa, Israel. In the Israeli, Palestinian and foreign media (CNN, Al-Jazeera...) he appears as independent commentator and expert on situation in the Middle East. He is a member of Arab Christian Community in Israel.
The lecture will be in English and will be followed by a discussion moderated by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zijad Bećirović and Bakhatyar Aljaf, director of IFIMES.
Live broadcast at:
Please take your seat at the hall at the latest by 15.55 h.
Attendance is free of charge but we kindly ask you to confirm your participation at telephone number +386 (01) 430 15 33 or at
Ljubljana, 8 March 2023
[1] IFIMES – International Institute for Middle East and Balkan Studies, based in Ljubljana, Slovenia, has Special Consultative status at ECOSOC/UN, New York, since 2018. and it’s publisher of the international scientific journal „European Perspectives“.