
Bosnia and Herzegovina 2025: Two US plans for the Balkans and BiH at odds with expansionist concepts?

The unfolding situation in BiH demands both caution and concern—not only due to historical precedent, as the 1914 assassination of Austro-Hungarian heir Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo served as a catalyst for World War I, but also because, in the more recent past (1992–1995), BiH was the victim of a brutal war and military aggression. If such a conflict were to erupt again, it would no longer remain localised but would escalate into a Europe-wide war with unpredictable consequences...



Since 2002 the work of International institute IFIMES is a reflection of our common reality and the need for the world to reach common solutions. Common interests and bonds among different policies, nations, religions, world regions and diverse interest parties are essential. The area of research and work of International institute IFIMES is the Middle East (MENA- Middle East and North Africa) and the Balkans (South-Eastern Europe), where relations among different entities are additionally puzzled by religious, ethnic, national and racial grounds. IFIMES has special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council ECOSOC/UN since 2018. IFIMES is also the publisher of the international scientific journal European Perspectives.